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Image of Jack Gibbs.

Jack Gibbs

Software Engineer

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Hi, I'm Jack, a Software Engineer at Equiniti. I am committed to creating high-quality software solutions to solve complex problems. My experience working within a collaborative team has provided me with first-hand experience in the scrum methodology, and I have developed a solid foundation in Agile development and collaborative teamwork.

 In my role at Equiniti, I heavily focus on Java development and have a strong proficiency in designing RESTful APIs using frameworks such as Spring. I also have extensive experience in automated testing using Cucumber, ensuring that the software I deliver meets the highest quality standards.

With a high First-Class degree and prestigious Deans Commendation from The University of Exeter, I have a strong academic background in Computer Science. My research focused on the emerging field of lightweight cryptography, particularly lightweight encryption primitives for resource-constrained devices. I have successfully designed, implemented, and tested a command line tool that implements a selection of such primitives.


Lightweight Cryptographic Tool
This Lightweight Cryptography Tool implements a selection of lightweight cryptographic designs which feature in the NIST lightweight standardisation process, including GIFT-COFB and SKINNY-AEAD. More...

8 Puzzle Solver
This project showcases my implementation of the A* algorithm to solve a classic puzzle. A* is a powerful heuristic search algorithm widely used in pathfinding and optimisation problems. More...

My A-Level Computer Science project to implement a game of Chess. Two human players are able to play, as well as one player against an AI player. The game features a rules section, a leaderboard, and a simple to use GUI. More...


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